Uncover the Human

Values Episodes

Sept. 22, 2021

Connecting Company Values with Our Values

Continuing with our VALUES focused month, we share our personal values, what we learned from going through our values discovery and how we came together to review for alignment, update, and create an action plan around our co...

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May 19, 2021

Connecting with Tony Gambill on Practicing Self-Leadership

Leading people is a complex task made up of thousands of tiny decisions and interactions, weaving an intricate tapestry of relationships. Inevitably, we will make choices we wish to improve or to not repeat, so how do we impr...

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April 28, 2021

Connecting with Taking Breaks

When we are rewarded for "staying on the grind" and shamed for lack of productivity, it can be hard to use the Pause button in life. This week we explore the benefits of taking a break, how to find deliberate rest, and why it...

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April 7, 2021

Connecting with Steve Evers on the "Nature" of Coaching

This week we connect with Steve Evers, the founder of Healthy Outside, to talk about the connection between nature, coaching, and healthy living. Combining coaching while embracing nature and the outdoors provides unique opp...

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