Uncover the Human

Dave Needham

Dave Needham Profile Photo

VP of People Ops | Founder | HR Smokejumper | Maverick | Div & Inc Champion | Philosopher | Ski Instructor

Dave is the founder of Ohos, Inc., a paradigm changing platform that gets rid of performance reviews with real-time feedback and advanced people analytics. He has over 15 years experience as a leadership development and organizational performance professional and holds a Master’s degree from Colorado State University in Organizational Performance and Change. In addition to co-founding and leading Ohos, Dave is the current VP of People Ops for nVoq, a board member of CultureLabsX, a contributing author to Forbes, Fast Company, Huffington Post, and Inc. magazines in the areas of leadership, culture, employee engagement, and performance management. He is a well respected speaker on various HR, leadership, and organizational people issues; known most for his irreverent conversational style and willingness to challenge the status quo head on.

Feb. 17, 2021

Connecting with Dave Needham on Performance Management that doesn't S…

Founder of Ohos, Inc. Dave Needham joins the podcast this week. Dave shares some great experiences around performance reviews and performance management and what drove him to create Ohos to combat the draining experience of p...

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