Uncover the Human

Rick Harrigan

Rick Harrigan Profile Photo

Certified Career and Life Purpose coach

Rick Harrigan (CPC, PCCC, ELI-MP, ANFT) is a certified professional coach and a certified forest therapy guide. Rick founded Rick Harrigan Coaching - and his proprietary Purpose Pays Off Coaching Program - under the guiding principle that finding one's purpose is the key to joy, success, fulfillment and true abundance.

Prior to coaching, Rick spent 20+ years in corporate entertainment as an executive in advertising sales and business development working for companies such as BBC America, DIRECTV, IFC, AMC Network, and Sundance....but he left it all when he found his purpose and followed his calling to become a coach.

Now, Rick pays forward his experience and knowledge to help his clients find their purpose and channel it into meaningful, lucrative work they truly love. Purpose really does pay off!

Feb. 9, 2022

Finding Your Purpose with Rick Harrigan

Rick Harrigan, certified Life Purpose Coach, joins Cristina and Alex on Uncover the Human this week. They discuss how removing external validation and listening to your inner voice is crucial in finding yourself and your life...

Listen to the Episode