Uncover the Human

Season 2

Aug. 16, 2023

Redefining Success: A Human Approach to Technology with Stephen Wiggs…

Imagine working in a tech team that embraces autonomy, fosters trust, and views every failure as an opportunity to learn and grow. Sounds inspiring, doesn't it? Our recent heart-to-heart with savvy technologists Stephen, Kyle...

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Nov. 2, 2022

End of Season 2 - Living Authentically with Matthias Hartmann (Rerun)

As we wrap up the second year of Uncover the Human, we are going to switch to biweekly releases of new episodes for the next couple of months. Here's the rerun of one of our many favorites, where we dig …

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Oct. 26, 2022

We See The World As We Are With Kelli Oberndorf

In today's podcast episode, Cristina and Alex welcome Kelli Oberndorf again to dive into empathy and perspective. Many think that empathy is a skill that one can learn. However, empathy is a mindset and a way of being in the …

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Oct. 19, 2022

Playing At The Top of Your Capacity With Cristina and Alex

On today’s podcast Uncover The Human Cristina and Alex discuss the difference between potential and capacity. Everyone can have the potential to do something however, if you are not at full capacity you are more likely to not...

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Oct. 12, 2022

Everyone Plays a Part in “The” Story with Cristina and Alex

Cristina and Alex speak about why at Siamo they "banned" the word “just” and the importance about doing things in harmony, things that are connected. It’s imperative to work together as a team to deliver something that is coh...

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Oct. 5, 2022

Uncovering Someone's Natural Abilities with Kelli Oberndorf

We are very excited to have Kelli Oberndorf back on the podcast and announce that she will be the newest member to the SIAMO family! Kelli has a background as an organizational coach, facilitator, and community builder. On t...

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Sept. 28, 2022

A Community Sitting on Top of The World's Energy with Gareth Evans

We, as a community, need to reduce our environmental impact and make it more sustainable. Gareth Evans is someone who is very achievement oriented in a sustainable way. He saw building solutions at the asset where the energy ...

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Sept. 21, 2022

Life Is Improv! The Spectrum of Work and Play with Sarah Filman

We can play at work, and we can work at home. Work and play are on a spectrum as we practice showing up as our authentic selves in life and work. Our latest guest Sarah Filman is a pro at …

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Sept. 14, 2022

Leading with a Screwdriver: Metaphors on Leadership with Aaron Velky

When everything changes in the corporate world, humans are still humans. In an insightful episode of Uncover the Human, Aaron Velky helps us practice finding balance and awareness - both in soccer and in the workplace. From s...

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Sept. 7, 2022

Human to Human: Building Community with Alex and Cristina

We can't do it all alone, and we shouldn't have to. Humans are innately social and community is a natural part of our being. There is an infinite amount of growth, success, and support available to all of us. So …

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Aug. 31, 2022

Why Is Change So Hard? Resisting, Belonging, and Evolving with Alex a…

We have all gone through countless changes in our lives, in our organizations, and in the world around us. It doesn't necessarily mean changing gets easier. In fact, it's usually pretty hard. There is always resistance to new...

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Aug. 24, 2022

We Feel It First: Becca Marshall on Connecting Better With Ourselves …

Our bodies and emotional centers process information faster than the rational mind. As Cristina likes to say, "The body knows before the mind does." Our latest Uncover The Human guest is Becca Marshall, founder of ActivXchang...

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Aug. 17, 2022

Humans Helping Humans: Why We Need Diverse Perspectives with Betsy We…

Our latest guest Betsy Westhafer is an expert in facilitating conversations between organizations and their customers. Her work with The Congruity Group empowers organizations to get aligned with their customers, elevate thei...

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Aug. 10, 2022

Failing Your Way to Success with Bill Powell

From achieving his goal of becoming trilingual by age 30 to working with founders of early-stage companies, Bill Powell has dedicated his work to redefining relationships with ourselves and others to create a world of more me...

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Aug. 3, 2022

Building a Culture That Gets Better Results with Lyn Wineman

How can we lead our organizations into a better future? By taking care of the people who will help you get there! Our latest guest Lyn Wineman leads with curiosity, purpose, and enthusiasm. In an impactful conversation about ...

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June 1, 2022

Programming Note - Summer Break

We are taking a summer break and will be back in August with new exciting guests and fun conversations. In the meantime, you can catch up with any of our episodes on your favorite Podcast platform. Thank you for your …

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May 25, 2022

Be The Change: New Ways to Network with Kristin McGinnis

There are many traditional business practices that could use some modernization, and business networking is one of them. Thanks to the work of professionals like our latest guest Kristin McGinnis, the days of small talk and e...

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May 18, 2022

Express Yourself! Emotional Regulation with Alex and Cristina

Emotions are part of being human. We can't avoid them entirely, but we can learn how to manage our emotions and work with them. Every strong emotion we experience is a chance to learn more about ourselves and how we …

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May 11, 2022

Getting Serious With Your Business Relationships with JC Quintana

In business and in life, relationships are part of our identity — They influence our culture and social norms, they can impact our our growth, and they contribute to our success. In our latest episode of Uncover The Human, we...

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May 4, 2022

Anxiousness, Doubt, and Discomfort, Oh My! Overcoming Presentation An…

In another insightful episode of Uncover The Human, hosts Cristina and Alex recount their experience speaking at the 2022 KAMCon Conference in Colorado. Despite anxious feelings and nerves creeping up in the hours leading up ...

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April 27, 2022

How Education Systems (Don't) Prepare Us for Work with Uma Gopaldass

From our primary education to Corporate America, we're taught that our success and our worth can be measured. We go from tests to assessments, and we're assigned numbers and results that put us into boxes. In those boxes, the...

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April 20, 2022

Inspiration, Influence, and Impact: Redefining Mentorship with Scott …

Mentorship can be so much more than a formal professional relationship with a C-Suite executive at our company. Mentors are all around us. They are the people who inspire, influence, and impact us. In a truly inspiring, infl...

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April 13, 2022

Get Curious! Busting Biases and Assumptions with Amanda Gulino

Our latest guest, Amanda Gulino, is on a mission to make Mondays better for everyone. Through awareness and curiosity, Amanda teaches us to avoid assumptions, bust our own biases, and learn from others who we may not agree wi...

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April 6, 2022

Job Reset: Building a Better Relationship to Your Work with Taylor Sh…

What happens when we start disliking our job? The answer isn't always to jump ship. With a little help from our latest guest Taylor Short, you can change your relationship to the ship and discover ways to find fulfillment in …

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